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History of the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters
The Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters has been in operation in its current location, near the Parliament of Hungary, since 1963.
The building was likely constructed around 1860, almost two decades before the Compromise. According to available documents the building was used in a public function from the beginning. Under World War II it was a “yellow-starred house” and later became an organic part of the “government district” until the Revolution of 1956. In 1963, when the Hungarian Prison Service returned under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice and was reorganized as an autonomous agency, the current building was picked as the next HQ, with a total manpower of 200. Before that, leadership was fragmented over several key locations in downtown Budapest.
With the increasing number of staff present within the HQ, the adjacent block was extended, refurbished and connected to the main building, basically creating the structure that exists up to this day. During the turbulent periods of its existence, it was possible to use the hidden corridors located beneath the building to move to the adjacent buildings, and one of the tunnels was also connected to the one that led to the Parliament.