A Budapesti Fegyház és Börtön, vagyis a „Gyűjtő” területén működő Budapesti Faipari Termelő és Kereskedelmi Kft.-ben munkáltatott fogvatartottak több mint háromezer asztalt, szekrényt, heverőt és közel kétezer ötszáz irodai széket gyártottak2018-ban.
The Age of Reforms and the Compromise of 1867
The young politicians of the Reform Age (József Eötvös, Bertalan Szemere, Lajos Kossuth) and liberal thinkers (Károly Balla, Farkas Bölöni, Móricz Lukács) have embraced again the issue of the prison service. In the early 1840s a new draft for a Prison Code was compiled which stated that ten prisons must be built. The arguments however lost their power on the opposition of the Vienna Chancellery.
After the defeat of the freedom fight the country was forced to adapt the Penal Code of Austria. The Habsburg Government faced an immense lack of space. They have reconstructed old castles and other public buildings into prisons – keeping in mind the most important aims: cost-effectiveness and time. The Pest County Prison was moved to Vác, into the building that housed the college of young noblemen founded by Mária Terézia. The old Pauline monastery in Márianosztra was handed over as a prison for females.