A Heves Megyei Bv. Intézet meseprogramja a női elítéltek gyermekeinek nyújt segítséget abban, hogy leküzdhessék a fogvatartással járó szegregációt, és egyben segíti a fogvatartott anyákat a visszailleszkedésben.
Memorial Places of Saint Adrian
In Hungary the memory of St. Adrian is kept at Zalavár, Mártély and Lispeszentadorján. At Zalavár-Várszigeten ruins of a St. Adrian Basilica were escavated, in Mártély and Lispeszentadorján churches were dedicated to the martyr.
Zalavár Historical Memorial Park
One of the most important places of the cult of St. Adrian in Hungary is at Zalavár-Vársziget, which is a significant historical place in Zala County. Here the the excavated past may be seen: the ruins of the St. Adrian Basilica, the walls of which show a uniquely huge building. The Memorial Park is home to the Cyrill and Method memorial, raised by Slavic people, the St. Stephen chapel raised on an Árpád Age base and the Millenial Memorial Building built according to the plans of Imre Makovecz.
Source: http://www.turautak.com/cikkek/latnivalok/tortenelmi-emlekhelyek/zalavar...
Zalavár, Ruins of the St. Adrian Basilica
The Caroling-age, ambulatory, ring crypt basilica, probably dedicated to St. Adrian was excavated in 2000. A tower was attached to the western façade and a monastery to the southern. The ruins of the monastery were excavated between 1999-2001. Sometimes here, far from the present day settlement (1,5 km) in the swamps on the spot were a Roman fort stood, a castle and a church was built (named Mosaburg, in the middle of the 9th century by the Slavic Prince Pribina who was given this territory by the grandson of Charles the Great, King of Franks). During the excavations that took many decades the walls of many churches were dug out. The ruins of the Benedictine Abbey, founded by King Saint Stephen in 1019 can be found on the Castle Island, that was fortified by walls in the 15th century. The castle was blown up in 1702.
The Archbishop of Salzburg, Liutpram commissioned the church where the remains of Hadrianus (St. Adrian) were placed. The construction began around 852-53. During the excavations the base walls of the basilica were revealed. According to the customs of the age, in the consecrated churches whole bodies of saints were buried. The Church of St. Adrian also served the purpose to strengthen the Christian faith in the freshly baptized. In 870 we already know of a consecrated church. Monastics were ordered next to the church, it is possible that a monastery existed back then as well. The church itself was 50 metre long and 25 metre wide, and from this age no church this large is known from the whole of Europe. Around the sanctuary ran a semi-circular subterranean corridor that could be accessed from the side-naves and from which three chapels opened. It may be an archetype of the ambulatory churches rare even in Western Europe. After the 8-year long excavations the ruins of the basilica were conserved and reconsecrated.
Source: Turautak.com
Mártély (Szentadorjánmártély) is a settlement in Csongrád County situated on the banks of the Tisza river, 10 kilometres from Hódmezővásárhely. The village was already populated in the Árpád Age. It belonged to the Zalavár Benedictine Monastery after King St. Stephen donated the village to the monastery with its fishery. After the patron saint of the Zalavár Monastery the Mártély church was dedicated to St. Adrian as well.
Source: Termek.baudata.hu
Lispeszentadorján was formed from three villages – Lispe, Szentadorján and Erdőhát – in 1937. Szentadorján is considered to be one of the oldest settlements in Hungary. According to sources, King St. Stephen donated the village to the Zalavár Monastery, as Szentadorján was a village with a church by this time already. A church was built in the village in 1936 that was dedicated to the martyr St. Adrian. The altarpiece depicts St. Adrian and his wife, Natalia.